Monday, February 5, 2018

I/ Lái xe số tự động/Driving an Automatic CarDịch từ : phần 3 của 

  1. to Drive
    Start your car/Khởi động xe. To start your car, you have to follow a few easy steps in the right order. Here's what you do/Để khởi động , bạn phải làm các bước theo thứ tự :
    • Release your emergency brake/Nhả thắng tay 
    • Put your foot on the brake/Để chân lên thắng .
    • Put your key in the ignition and turn it. You should hear it turning on/Cho chìa khóa vào và xoay . Bạn sẽ nghe máy nổ.

  2. to Drive
    Place your car into gear/Sang số. Since you are learning on an automatic, this will either be (D) Drive or (R) Reverse, depending on how you are parked/Vì xe bạn số tự động , bạn sẽ chuyển về D (Chạy tới) hay R (Thụt lùi) , tùy theo bạn đậu thế nào .
    • If you're driving forward, you should put your car in Drive/Nếu bạn muốn chạy tới , bạn phải chuyển sang D .
    • If you're driving backward, in order to back out of a driveway or a parking spot, your car should be in Reverse/Nếu bạn muốn thụt lùi , để từ nhà ra đường hay từ chỗ đậu , chuyển sang R .
    • If reversing, first check your rearview mirror and then place your hand on the passenger seat as you turn your head to the right to look behind you/Khi thụt lui , đầu tiên phải nhìn kiếng chiếu hậu và để tay lên ghế của hành khách và quay đầu về phải để nhìn sau xe bạn.

  3. to Drive
    Take your foot off the brake and feel the car move/Nhả thắng từ từ và xe sẽ chạy . Congratulations--you are driving a car!/Bạn đang lái xe 
    • Slowly apply your foot to the gas to accelerate/Từ từ đạp lên ga để tăng tốc .

  4. to Drive
    Accelerate your car/Tăng tốc xe . You should accelerate your car to reach the speed limit in your neighborhood. If you're on the highway, you should be aware of the speed limit but go with the flow of traffic/Bạn nên tăng tốc xe để đạt giới hạn tốc độ (tốc độ cho phép)  trong khu vực bạn . Nếu bạn trên xa lộ , bạn nên để ý giới hạn tốc độ nhưng phải cùng nhịp với xe cộ quanh bạn .
    • If all the cars around you are going much slower than the speed limit due to traffic, drive accordingly to avoid crashing into them/Nếu tất cả xe quanh bạn chạy chậm hơn tốc độ cho phép (do nhiều xe hay kẹt xe) , lái làm sao để ko đụng họ .
    • If all of the cars around you are driving much faster than the speed limit, you don't have to break the law, but you can accelerate a bit so you don't slow the flow down too much/Nếu tất cả quanh bạn chạy nhanh hơn tốc độ cho phép , bạn ko thể phạm luật (bắt chước họ), nhưng bạn có thể tăng tốc một chút để ko làm chậm dòng xe đang chạy.
    • Remember that driving too slow can be just as dangerous as driving too fast/Nên nhớ chạy xe quá chậm cũng nguy hiểm như chạy xe quá nhanh.
    • Accelerate your car calmly. Don't push your foot too hard on the gas or you may go much faster than you intended. Know that each car has its own acceleration rate/Hảy tăng tốc từ từ. Ko nên đạp mạnh ga vì xe bạn có thể chạy nhanh hơn bạn nghĩ . Nên nhớ rằng mỗi xe có mức tăng tốc riêng . 

  5. to Drive
    Steer your car properly/Cầm tay lái đúng cách. Proper steering techniques will make your driving experience smoother and will help you avoid collisions/Cầm tay lái đúng cách sẽ giúp xe chạy êm và tránh đụng xe . Steering your car the right way can help you turn and position in your car in the most convenient way/. Here are some tips for good steering/Sau đây là vài mẹo :
    • Make sure to have both hands on the wheel/Dùng cả hai tay.
    • Place your hands at either 8 or 4 o’clock, or slightly higher at 9 and 3 o’clock, depending on your preference/Để hai tay ở 8 hay 4 giờ , hay ở 9 và 3 giờ , tùy theo ý bạn. At this position, you can safely maneuver the wheel and are prevented from making any sharp turns/Ở cách này , bạn có thể an toàn điều khiển tay lái và ngăn ngừa quẹo gắt .
    • When making a turn, pull down on the side of the wheel you wish to turn towards and push up with opposite hand. This is called “pull-push” steering/Khi quẹo , kéo xuống phần của tay lái của phía bạn định quẹo và đẩy tay lái lên với tay kia .
    • To make sharper turns at lower speeds, use hand-over-hand turning/Để quẹo gắt với tốc độ chậm. To do this, perform a push-pull turn but bring your pull hand over your push hand in order to continue moving the wheel in the desired direction/Để làm điều này , vừa đẩy vừa kéo tay lái theo hướng bạn muốn.[2]

  6. to Drive
    Understand your brakes/Tìm hiểu thắng của bạn. You should know how long it takes for your car to reach a full and complete stop when traveling at various speeds.
    • Always drive at least a car length behind the car in front of you/Luôn lái xe cách xe trước 1 độ dài của xe . If you have to make a fast stop, you do not want to crash into the front car/Nếu bạn ngừng gấp , bạn sẽ ko đụng vào xe trước.
    • When traveling at a faster speed, you will need even more than one car length in order to come safely to a stop/Nếu chạy tốc độ nhanh , bạn sẽ cần có khoảng cách lớn hơn với xe trước để có thể thắng xe an toàn so understand and observe the two-second rule, which states that you should be at least two seconds behind any car directly in front of you to keep a safe following distance/Do đó phải tuân thủ luật 2-giây , nghĩa là bạn có ít nhứt là hai giây cách xe trước mặt để có khoảng cách an toàn . Take weather and road conditions into account/Phải tính luôn thời tiết và tình trạng của đường.
    • Try not to stop suddenly unless it’s an emergency/Không nên ngừng đột ngột trừ phi là khẩn cấp . Sudden stops can lead to vehicles behind you plowing into your rear/Ngừng đột ngột sẽ khiến xe đằng sau đâm vào xe bạn .

  7. to Drive
    Signal appropriately/Ra dấu đúng cách. Remember that the person in the car behind you cannot read your mind. They don't know which direction you are going to move unless you signal/Nên nhớ xe sau ko biết bạn sẽ làm gì trừ phi bạn ra dấu .You should signal in the following situations/Bạn nên ra dấu trong những tình huống sau [3]:
    • As you approach the last 100 feet (30.5 m) before your turning point (left or right turn)/Khi bạn chỉ còn ít nhứt là 100 feet (30.5 m) là phải quẹo .
    • Before you change lanes, be sure that you signal at least 5 seconds prior/Trước khi đổi làn đường , phải ra dấu trước đó ít nhứt là 5 giây .
    • Before pulling into or out from a curbside parking spot/Khi vào hay ra từ chỗ đậu xe ven đường.
    • When changing directions/Khi thay đổi hướng.

  8. to Drive
    Use your lights/Dùng đèn. Your car lights can help you see more clearly and avoid danger. You should use them when it's dark, raining, or foggy/Bạn nên dùng đèn khi trời tối , mưa , hay sương mù .
    • A general rule of thumb is if you have to ask yourself, "Should my lights be on right now?" then the answer is always yes.
    • Check the other cars on the road. If most of them turn their lights on, flick yours on too/Hảy xem các xe khác. Nếu phần lớn họ mở đèn , bạn cũng làm vậy 
    • Remember that some cars have lights that automatically turn on and off under certain conditions/Có một số xe tự động mở hay tắt đèn theo một số điều kiện. If you don't have one of these types of cars, make sure to turn your lights off when you park your car, or you may drain your battery/Nếu bạn ko có xe này , hảy nhớ tắt đèn khi đậu , nếu ko sẽ hết pin .

  9. to Drive
    Use your wipers/Dùng gạt nước. Learn how your windshield wipers work before the first drop of rain falls. You can adjust them to move back and forth at different speeds depending on how hard the rain is falling/Bạn có thể điều chỉnh quạt nước tới lui ở tốc độ khác nhau tùy theo mưa lớn hay nhỏ .
    • Recognize that there are some states that require your full-headlights to be on when you run the wipes from anything between intermittent speed and faster/Một số bang yêu cầu bạn mở đèn pha khi xài xài quạt từ tốc độ gián đoạn hay nhanh hơn .
    • You can also use your wipers to squirt fluid on your windshield to wipe off any dirt or stains/Bạn có thể dùng quạt nước để lau mọi vết bẩn trên kiếng .
    • Do not drive if your wipers are broken. Driving in a storm without wipers is incredibly dangerous/Ko được chạy nếu quạt nước hư . Chạy xe lúc giông bão mà ko quạt nước sẽ rất nguy hiểm.

  10. to Drive
    Change lanes like a pro/Chuyển làn đường như dân chuyên nghiệp. Follow the rules for properly and safely changing lanes. A useful mnemonic device to follow is S.M.O.G/Nên nhớ 4 chữ SMOG .[4]
    • S: SIGNAL to let the cars around you know that you intend to change lanes/ S : ra dấu (Signal) để cho xe khác biết bạn muốn đổi làn .
    • M: Check your MIRROR to see that it is clear/M : xem kiếng (Mirror) để xem đường trống.
    • O: Check OVER-THE-SHOULDER to again make sure that it is safe to proceed/O : Nhìn qua vai (Shoulder) để kiểm tra lần nữa có thể đổi làn ko
    • G: GO/G : Đổi làn đường.

  11. to Drive
    Park your car correctly/Đậu xe đúng cách. After you've reached your destination, you'll need to turn off your engine and park your car safely. Here's how to finish driving/Khi tới nơi , bạn cần tắt máy và đậu an toàn:
    • Find a good parking spot, and stop your car by putting your foot on the brake/Tìm chỗ đậu tốt , và ngừng xe bằng cách đạp thắng.
    • Shift gears into "Park."/Chuyển số sang P .
    • Turn off your engine/Tắt máy.
    • Pull up your parking brake/Kéo thắng tay.
    • If your lights are on, turn them off/Nhớ tắt đèn.
    • Lock your car to prevent theft/Nhớ khóa xe để ngừa trộm.
    • Get out of the car and make sure it fits in its spot/Rời khỏi xe và xem đậu có đúng cách ko .

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Part 3 Quiz
How much space should you leave between you and the car ahead of you when you are driving at a fast speed?

  1. to Drive
    Remember that many basic rules of driving apply to both automatic and manual cars. Though the differences between the cars will be discussed, there are many basic rules that still apply to both types of cars. They are:
    • The steps you should take to prepare for driving, such as adjusting your mirrors and avoiding distractions.
    • The rules of signaling appropriately.
    • The rules of changing lanes.
    • Using your lights and wipers when needed.
    • The placement of your hands on the wheel.

  2. to Drive
    Learn the controls. Most people will agree that the manual car is trickier to drive than the automatic because of the extra steps that need to be taken to drive successfully. However, many people also say that driving a manual car can be more fun and rewarding, because you'll be more involved in the driving process. If you have a manual car, you should recognize and use two extra controls. They are:
    • The clutch: The clutch controls the connection between the engine and transmission. Pushing on the clutch pedal disengages the clutch and disconnects the engine from the transmission. Releasing will engage the clutch and connect them. When disengaging the clutch you effectively place the car in neutral regardless of whether it is in gear or not. Engaging the clutch will place the car into whichever gear is currently selected.
    • The shifter: Shifting gears is done by moving a stick called either the gear stick, shift stick, gearshift, gear lever, gear selector, or shifter. Gear numbers and shift patterns will vary by model but the “default” position is “N” neutral, followed by gears that range from 1 to 5 or 1 to 6, and then “R” reverse.

  3. to Drive
    Start the car. Starting your manual car is a bit trickier than starting an automatic car. It will also take more practice. When you're starting out, make sure you're in an isolated location to prevent any mishaps. Here's how to do it:
    • Begin by stepping on the clutch. Most manual cars will not start unless the clutch is disengaged.
    • Once you have started the car, place your foot on the brake and release the emergency brake.
    • If moving forward, place the car into 1st gear. If reversing, place the car into reverse ("R").
    • As you slowly release the clutch, slowly apply pressure onto the gas pedal.
    • You will hear the engine revving up and then feel and hear the clutch “catch.” If the car moves forward without the engine stalling, then great work! You have successfully started the car and are traveling in 1st gear.

  4. to Drive
    Switch your gears to match your speed. Shift gears just as you would from Neutral to 1st gear in order to move into the higher gears. Before you start switching gears, remember these points:
    • You must shift gears in this order. Disengage the clutch by pressing on the clutch pedal. Shift gears using the shifter. Re-engage the clutch by slowly taking pressure off the clutch pedal while stepping on the gas.
    • Think of the clutch pedal and gas pedal as being proportionate to the other in pressure. They should act in concert together in the same way that a seesaw behaves. When one goes up, the other goes down.
    • Gradually applying gas while engaging the clutch will make shifting gears smoother. It will take time, but once you master the feeling of the clutch and gas, it will become second nature.

  5. to Drive
    Move into higher gears for higher speed. Each car will have its own speed range for each gear. Some will tell you to only switch gears after reaching a certain RPM.
    • Listen to your car and switch when you think the engine needs to make the change.

  6. to Drive
    Brake appropriately. Press on the clutch pedal and move into Neutral when braking. Moving the car into Neutral will ensure that the engine is no longer moving the transmission and prevents you from stalling as you decelerate with the brake.
    • You can potentially save gas and improve the life of your brakes by downshifting to decelerate. This takes practice however, so begin by just using your brakes.

  7. to Drive
    Park your car. Once you've found the right place to park your car, it's important to follow a few key rules to park your manual car properly. Here's what you should do:
    • Leave your car in gear, not Neutral. It'll typically be in either reverse or first gear. If you leave it in Neutral, it won't stay put.
    • Take your keys out of the ignition.

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Part 4 Quiz
When you disengage the clutch, you put the car into:

Cars with automatic transmissions are very popular for both new and experienced drivers, as they are generally simpler to operate than manual transmissions and can be more comfortable for long trips. These simple steps will guide you in learning to operate an automatic transmission, but remember: before operating any motor vehicle, please make sure you have a valid driver's license and understand all local traffic laws.

Preparing to Drive

  1. 1
    Get into your car. Unlock the vehicle with a clicker or key and climb into the driver's side/Mở cửa và ngồi vào chỗ
  2. 2
    Adjust the car to your needs/Chỉnh xe theo nhu cầu. Adjust your seat in any direction you are able to/find necessary so that you can comfortably reach any controls and see well out of windows/Chỉnh ghế để dễ điều khiển xe và nhìn bên ngoài . Move the mirrors so you can see behind and to the sides of the vehicle clearly/Chỉnh kiếng để nhìn phía sau và bên hông xe rõ ràng . Identify the car's blind spots before you start driving, so that you can check them before making any turns or lane changes/Nhận diện những điểm mù của xe trước khi lái để bạn có thể kiểm tra chúng trước khi quẹo hay đổi làn đường .
  3. 3
    Identify the controls/Làm quen việc điều khiển xe. It essential to find the accelerator and brake pedals, the steering wheel, the gear selector lever, the light controls, the defroster, and the windshield wipers before you begin/Nên biết vị trí của ga và thắng , tay lái , hộp số , điều khiển ánh sáng , tan tuyết , cần gạt nước.
    • The brake and accelerator pedals are located at the bottom front of the area where your feet are. The brake pedal is on the left, the accelerator is on the right/bàn đạp thắng và ga nằm dưới chân bạn 
    • The steering wheel is the large wheel in the center of the driver's console. Turn it to the left and right to turn the wheels of the vehicle/tay lái : dùng để điều khiển các bánh xe . 
    • Located on the steering column (usually on the left side) is a small lever that has a rest position in the middle and two locking positions above and below/cần gạt thường ở bên trái tay lái để báo hiệu quẹo (turn signal) . This is the turn signal. Often on the left side of the steering wheel mounted into the console or a knob on one of the levers on the steering column is the control which turns the headlights on and off/cũng có một nút để điều khiển đèn trước (headlight) cũng ở bên trái.
    • The gear selector lever will usually be in one of two places: it is either mounted to the right side of the steering column or in-between the driver's and passenger's seats/hộp số có thể gắn ở phía phải của tay lái hay giửa tài xế và hành khách  It will have a display showing gear indicators, usually marked with the letters "P", "D", "N", and "R" and a few numbers/có các chữ P , D , N và R và vài số . On steering-column shifting levers, this display is usually located on the instrument panel, underneath the speedometer/Ở hộp số nằm ở tay lái , sẽ hiện chữ dưới bản đo tốc độ.
  4. 4
    Fasten your seat belt/Gắn seat belt. Ensure that you and any passengers in your vehicle are wearing seat belts at all times.

Operating the Vehicle in "Drive"

  1. 1
    Start the car. Place your right foot on the brake pedal and push it down, then insert the key and turn it clockwise to start the vehicle/Khởi động xe . Đặt chân phải trên thắng và đạp xuống , rồi cắm khóa và xoay theo chiều đồng hồ để start xe . 
  2. 2
    Select your gear/sang số. Keep your foot on the brake pedal and shift the gear lever into "Drive."/giử chân trên thắng và sang số sang D . This gear is marked with a "D" on the display panel, and will be highlighted when you've successfully selected it/chữ D sẽ hiện trên bản điều khiển trước mặt bạn . 
    • For shift levers mounted on the steering column, pull the lever towards you before moving it up and down to select a gear.
    • For shift levers mounted on the floor, there is usually a side button to unlock the lever. It can then be moved along its track into position/ở hộp số nằm trên sàn xe , thường có 1 nút bên cạnh để mở khóa cần gạt .
  3. 3
    Release the parking brake/nhả thắng tay (dùng khi đậu xe) . This is either a lever between the two front seats or a pedal on the far left side of the foot area/đây có thể là cần gạt giửa 2 ghế trước hay 1 bàn đạp ở phía cực trái của các bàn đạp. There may be a release lever above the lower parking brake or a button to push on the topside model before you can disengage it.
  4. 4
    Check your surroundings. Look all around the car, including blind spots, to see if there are any moving objects or beings in the vicinity. Make sure to keep your eyes mainly on the direction you're moving/quan sát chung quanh , bao gồm điểm mù , v.v...
  5. 5
    Get your car moving/bắt đầu di chuyển xe . Slowly release pressure on the brake pedal and the car will start to move slowly/từ từ nhả thắng chân và xe từ từ chạy. Take your foot off the brake, use the same foot to press the gas pedal gently, and the car will begin to move faster/chuyển bàn chân qua ga và đạp nhẹ nhàng , và xe bắt đầu chạy nhanh hơn . There is no need to change gears in relation to speed in regular road driving/ko cần sang số nếu chạy bình thường.
  6. 6
    Turn the steering wheel to turn the car/dùng bánh lái để quẹo xe. In "drive," turn it to the left to turn the car left and turn it to the right to turn the car right.
  7. 7
    Apply the brakes to slow or stop the car/đạp thắng để xe chạy chậm hay ngừng . Take your right foot off the accelerator pedal and move it to the brake, applying gradual pressure so as not to jerk to a halt/chuyển chân từ ga và đạp thắng từ từ để xe khỏi bị giật trước khi ngừng. When you wish to start again, switch your foot back to the accelerator/nếu bạn muốn khởi động lại , chuyển chân qua ga .
  8. 8
    Park the car/đậu xe . When you have reached your destination, bring the vehicle to a complete stop by applying gradual pressure to the brake pedal and slide the shift lever back into the "P" position / khi bạn đến nơi , phải để xe ngừng hẳn bằng cách đạp thắng từ từ và chuyển hộp số sang P . Turn off the engine by turning the key counter-clockwise/Tắt máy xe bằng cách xoay khóa ngược chiều đồng hồ . Don't forget to turn off the headlights and apply the parking brake before getting out of the car/đừng quên tắt đèn trước và dùng thắng tay trước khi rời khỏi xe .

Operating Alternative Gears

  1. 1
    Travel in Reverse/thụt lui . If you need to travel backward, make sure the vehicle is at a complete stop before changing gears in or out of "reverse/muốn thụt lui , phải để xe ngừng hoàn toàn trước khi sang số R ." Slide the gear shift to select the gear marked "R" and check behind/ around you for any possible obstructions/ sang số về R và quan sát phía sau và chung quanh xe để xem có chướng ngại ko . Gently remove your foot from the brake and place it on the accelerator/ko đạp thắng nữa và đặt chân lên ga .
    • When turning in Reverse, your car will turn in the same direction that you turn the wheel/khi thụt lui , xe sẽ chuyển cùng hướng với tay lái. You're just going backwards, so the end of the car will swing in that direction, rather than the front.
  2. 2
    Use "neutral."/dùng neutral  The "neutral" gear is only to be used when you have no need to control the speed of your car, not when driving regularly /neutral chỉ được dùng khi bạn ko cần điều khiển tốc độ , ko dùng khi chạy bình thường. Examples of this include when idling parked for a short time or when being pushed/towed/Dùng khi đậu 1 thời gian ngắn hay nhờ người đẩy hay kéo xe bạn .
  3. 3
    Use the lower gears/dùng số nhỏ 1 , 2 và 3 . The gears marked "1," "2," and "3" are known as lower gears. These can work as a sort of in-engine brake system when you need to save your actual brakes. Going down steep hills is a good use of this technique/khi xe xuống dốc nên xài các số này. 1st gear, however, is only to be used when you must go very slowly/tuy nhiên , bạn chỉ xài số 1 nếu muốn chạy thật chậm. There is no need to stop when shifting between these gears and Drive/ko cần phải ngừng hẳn khi chuyển các số này sang D .

Community Q&A

  • Can you keep on Neutral when driving down a hill?/có thể dùng neutral khi đổ dốc
    wikiHow Contributor
    You can, but it is often illegal in some countries/bạn có thể nhưng thường bất hợp pháp ở vài xứ . When the car is in gear, the friction between the engine and the gearbox (as they are connected) will slow the car down (this is known as engine braking)/khi hộp số nối kết với động cơ , ma sát giửa chúng sẽ khiến xe chạy chậm  . However, in neutral, the engine and the gearbox are no longer connected, which means this friction no longer occurs/tuy nhiên , nếu ở neutral , máy và hộp số ko nối kết , nghĩa là ko có ma sát . This means more braking power will be required to stop, which can be dangerous when going down hill as your speed will increase/nghĩa là bạn phải đạp thắng nhiều nếu muốn ngừng xe , điều này rất nguy hiểm khi xe đổ dốc và tốc độ tăng cao.
  • Why must I drive with only one foot?
    wikiHow Contributor
    For an automatic transmission, it is not necessary to use two feet, because you should never hit the brakes and the accelerator at the same time. Use the rest provided for your second foot.
  • Will my car go in reverse if I use the brake?/xe tôi thụt lùi nếu tôi thắng 
    wikiHow Contributor
    No. The brake slows down your forward momentum by converting kinetic energy from rotating wheels into heat, or in the case of hybrids, electrical potential energy to store in batteries. Once the car is slowed/stopped, you'd have to engage reverse gear to go into reverse.
  • Which gear should be for parking in an inclined position?/để ở số nào nếu đậu trên đường dốc
    wikiHow Contributor
    Your gear should be in P because in a neutral gear without applying any breaks (pedal or handbrake), there is a high possibility that the car may move down depending on the angle of inclination/phải ở P vì xe sẽ tuột dốc dù để ở Neutral .
  • Does the brake need to be depressed when putting the car in neutral?/thắng cần phải đạp khi xe ở neutral
    wikiHow Contributor
    Yes, if you don't want the car to move/vâng , nếu bạn muốn xe ko di chuyển .
  • Can I jump start an automatic car?
    wikiHow Contributor
  • If I release the brake too quickly, will the car turn off? Like it does in a manual transmission when the clutch is released fast?/nếu tôi nhả thắng quá nhanh , xe sẽ tắt máy ? giống như ở xe số tay khi bàn đạp côn/ly hợp được nhả gấp . 
    wikiHow Contributor
    No. In a conventional automatic, a torque converter is used, which allows the engine to stay connected to the transmission so you can come to a complete stop without the car stalling/Ko .Trong xe tự động , xe có thể ngừng hoàn toàn mà ko tắt máy 
  • When stationery, where should the gear lever be positioned?/khi ngừng xe , nên để ở số nào
    wikiHow Contributor
    If you are parked, place the lever in P (park). If you are stopped for a traffic signal or similar, leave the lever in D (drive) and keep your foot on the brake/nếu bạn đậu xe , để số ở P . Nếu bạn ngừng khi có dấu hiệu giao thông hay tương tự , để ở D và giử chân trên thắng .
  • My flying wheel keeps breaking. What can be the cause? I often change to neutral in regular drive, in the name of saving fuel consumption, and do not stop completely before changing to drive/neutral/park/tôi thường chuyển về neutral khi lái bình thường , hầu tiết kiệm xăng , và ko ngừng hoàn toàn trước khi chuyển sang D , N , P . Could that be the cause of the flying wheel getting destroyed?
    wikiHow Contributor
    Going into park while the car is moving is a massive no-no. When you put the car into park, a prawl locks the output gear and prevents it from turning. If you engage park whilst the car is moving, you will destroy either the prawl or the output gear (which is a very expensive job to fix). Just leave the car in drive until you come to park up unless you're stuck in a traffic jam. You'll have more control of the car and in some situations leaving it in drive provides better fuel economy (in a modern car) as the engine will use the speed of the wheels to keep the engine rotating rather than providing fuel (in neutral it cannot do that).
  • Some cars have a plus and minus sign on them. What does this mean?
    wikiHow Contributor
    This is for when you're in sport mode. If you bump the shifter towards the +, the car will up shift, and down towards the - will downshift.
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  • Check your mirrors often.
  • Drive defensively and pay attention to your surroundings when you are operating any motor vehicle.
  • Do not use one foot for the brake pedal and the other for the accelerator pedal. Use your right foot for both pedals and leave your left foot on the floor.
  • Apply pressure to both the brake and accelerator pedals gently and gradually.
  • Always pay attention to traffic signals.


  • Keep your eyes on the road; don't text and drive.
  • Follow all local traffic laws and always drive with a valid license.
  • Never operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.
  • Lock your car when leaving it unattended.
  • Always come to a complete stop before switching to P or serious transmission damage could result/luôn luôn ngừng hẳn trước khi chuyển về P , nếu ko hộp số sẽ hư nặng .
  • When changing from 'R' to 'D' or vice versa, the car must be completely stationary before selecting either 'R' or 'D' or else it could cause serious damage to the transmission/khi chuyển từ R về D hay ngược lại , xe phải ngừng hẳn  ; nếu ko hộp số sẽ hư nặng.

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