Tuesday, October 15, 2024


When I was about ten of eleven years old, if I hadn't suffered from a near-fateful high fever, I could have enjoyed a happy life.
In 1975, if the Communist North Vietnamese army hadn't invaded and seized my beloved country, I wouldn't have been imprisoned in cold, hunger and hard labor for nearly six years. And millions of boat people wouldn't have looked for freedom by risking their lives in high seas. And tens of thousands of them wouldn't have fallen prey to violent storms and Thai pirates.
In 1976, if the Communist government hadn't carried out the heartless capitalist class eradication campaign, my family wouldn't have lost all properties (lands, villas, firms), all businesses in building, banking, shipping, etc... My family wouldn't have lived in extreme dire circumstances.
After being released in 1981, had I had three taels of gold, I would have left my country (clandestinely) by sea, and I could have built again a new life in a Western country.
Before ending the letter, I entreat God grant me serenity so I can tolerate my misfortunes. Amen.
San Jose Feb 26 1998.

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