Friday, August 30, 2024

                           THE BEDROOM OF CROWN PRINCE BAO LONG

                            Prince Bao Long was the oldest son of King Bao Dai. 

                 The room is painted in yellow color because it symbolizes the royalty. Prince

                  Bao Long lived here when he was 14 years old. At that time he studied at 

                  Collège d'Adran (Adran School) of Dalat. After going to France,  he studied  at 

                   the French National Military Academy. And then he was promoted  (to the rank 

                   of) captain and went to Algeria to serve in French Foreign Legion. When King 

          Bao Dai was the Chief of State of Viet Nam, he established a regiment of 

              musketeers, and promoted Prince Bao Long lieutenant-colonel of honor. 

             Prince Bao Long died in 28.07.2007 in Paris, France. The photo was taken when

he was 19.